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At the start of Year 3.1, we went around Raffles Place to take reference photos of the different buildings. The theme for our assignment is war and our goal is to destroy and shatter the building. I took many reference photos but I guess what stood out from the rest was the National Gallery of Singapore, therefore, I decided to model it. 

I wanted to maintain it's "cleaniness" yet add a little but of ware. Since that most of the buildings are made out of bricks, I decided to approach it with using displacement. 

Softwares used:


Bionic Arm was one of the assignments given during Year 3.1. The theme for the joint assignment was World War 2. We have to design an arm which will later be composited together with live-footage.

So I did my usual researching, finding insipirations online and compiled all those images into one folder. From that, I got an idea of doing like a similar type of arm from the Brotherhood of Steel Armor from Fallout, the game. I also had the idea of using exhaust pipes and emitting smoke. It was definitely going to be a robotic type of arm.

During the process of modelling, I have encounted some issues with how I should position the different pieces together as eventually, we have to rig the arm. That was the decision that made the finalisation of how the arm eventually came to be. I decided to use the exhaust pipes as the forearm and decided to add on a type of locomotive system as the upper arm. 

For the textures, again, I decided to use a similar color scheme with the Brotherhood of Steel Armor from Fallout which is like blue-ish grey.

Softwares used:

From the left: AO, Beauty+AO, Wireframe


Before the modelling of the bionic arm, we had to rig a tank. However, as previously there were only four to five classmates who modelled a tank for the final assignment in Year 2, hence, we have to share the model. 

I decided to use the Tiger Tank that was modelled by one of my classmates, Yenny.

Given that the one of the criteria of the assignment was to re-texture the tank, I decided to showcase my retexturing work of Yenny's Tiger Tank.

Softwares used:

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